The easiest way to run Lighthouse is to use docker. Lighthouse is available as container which is hosted in the GitHub Container Registry:

docker pull

Available Tags

  • latest: Latest released version (if you want to keep using the “latest and greatest”)
  • dev-latest: Newest features including the ones that are currently being developed (potentially less stable)
  • Specific version tags (e.g., Fix a specific version (recommended for production setups)
  • Check packages for all available versions


If you don’t have docker installed on your system yet, please do so. You can find more details on how to get and install it in the docker docs.

Updating Lighthouse

You can just fetch the latest version of the container (if you use latest or dev-latest) by running a docker pull:

docker pull

Running Lighthouse

You can run Lighthouse in docker using the following command:

docker run -d -P -v ".:/app/Data" -v "./logs:/app/logs" -e "ConnectionStrings__LighthouseAppContext=Data Source=/app/Data/LighthouseAppContext.db"

This will use the directory you run the command from as storage for your database and logs. You can find more information on the configuration options under Configuration.